Monday, October 26, 2009

Criteria - What are yours?

I read a very interesting article today on bbc website.

So they finally discovered the ultimate secret to a blissful married life. I bring this topic forward specially because many of my dear friends are scheduled to dive into holy matrimony.

The article has the heading "'Younger wife' for marital bliss".
They also point out that if the wife has better education than her partner than they have a higher chance of sticking together. For some reason the researchers choose JayZ and Beyonce as the sample in their study. Case in point Jayz not passed high school and his better half was fortunate enough to have a high school diploma. After reading this article I would urge all of you to promptly go to your profile and do some heavy duty editing. Guys plz go for girls with higher number of degrees than you have and girls go for dumber guys.

I would love to hear your opinion about this topic. In the mean time I am on a look out for a prospective bride - 21 year old phd student or double masters or beyonce knowles.

The interesting article :)


SidBB said...

I don't know. I wouldn't put much stock in it. Correlation does not necessarily imply causation.

I remember reading about a study by some insurance company that determined that people belonging to a certain zodiac sign tended to be better drivers than others. It's meaningless. When you take a bunch of data and slice and dice it several ways and retrospectively look for patterns, you're bound to find something. That doesn't mean it's worth anything.

But yeah, I wouldn't mind if any girls reading this that have or are working on a PhD in Biology or Astronomy contacted me. I await your flood of email. Thank you.

Neerab said...

thanks for your comment dude.

Child Of Adam said...

The article makes sense dude. lol.

Look at Sachin Tendulkar and his wife.. :)