Monday, October 26, 2009

Criteria - What are yours?

I read a very interesting article today on bbc website.

So they finally discovered the ultimate secret to a blissful married life. I bring this topic forward specially because many of my dear friends are scheduled to dive into holy matrimony.

The article has the heading "'Younger wife' for marital bliss".
They also point out that if the wife has better education than her partner than they have a higher chance of sticking together. For some reason the researchers choose JayZ and Beyonce as the sample in their study. Case in point Jayz not passed high school and his better half was fortunate enough to have a high school diploma. After reading this article I would urge all of you to promptly go to your profile and do some heavy duty editing. Guys plz go for girls with higher number of degrees than you have and girls go for dumber guys.

I would love to hear your opinion about this topic. In the mean time I am on a look out for a prospective bride - 21 year old phd student or double masters or beyonce knowles.

The interesting article :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is a must watch ... please spare a few minutes

“Merry” Diwali

Diwali is my favorite festival. Rasssi bombs, laddoos and lights make my day. Unfortunately in US I had to find alternate ways to enjoy this day. So I decided to visit the local temple to appease the goddess of prosperity (that's what I have been telling my American friends here).

On entering the temple I see some 10 LCD screens in the temple cafeteria that had the clip of President Obama lighting the diwali lamp in the Whitehouse and a priest reciting vedic shlokas. This clip was running in a loop with people passing by and looking very pleased. On entering the main temple complex I see a crowd of people in one corner. On a closer look I see that they are surrounding a priest who surprisingly looked very familiar. Yes!! It was the same priest from the Obama video. Apparently he has now become a rock star with people around shaking his hand ( I guess to complete the 6 degree of separation and become connected to Mr. Obama).

Looking at such euphoria made me wonder if Obama could be Lord Vishnu's reincarnation. With various hindu Gods like Rama, Ganesha, Krishna and Shiva… perhaps "Obama" is the deity we all have been "hoping" for.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize...I want one too!!!!!

I too call for complete international nuclear disarmament*.

*Conditions apply

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Honey I watched – “Shrink”

Movie time. A little unusual of me to watch a movie on a weekday, but I was in mood to break traditions. Watched a movie called "Shrink" starring his holiness Kevin Spacey, directed by Jonas Pate whom I have never heard of before.

I heard a very cool term sometime back when I was watching a God-awful movie, Powder Blue. It's called "Hyperlink Cinema". A sub genre has parallel stories that somehow merge in a very cool way. The perfect example that comes to mind, the movie called "Magnolia". Also not to forget the oh so famous and Oscar favorite "Crash". Well let us talk about this one then. It has a heavy weight actor playing the lead. But thats about it. Sorry to burst the bubble on this one so early but I don't feel like rambling too much.

The movie had good intentions, but just like with every unoriginal idea you cant help but fell," been there, done that". These so called hyperlink movies I fell are so difficult to write that 90% of time they get it wrong. They are also difficult to appreciate (I don't think I can find too many people who liked Magnolia)

In one scene, a girl is playing the recorded voice of Kevin Spacey. I wish I had a voice like that. Wow that was really random of me. Anyways as always the movie true to its genre had dreamy electric guitar playing for background score and hazy cinematography (don't know the technical term for it). There are plenty of people with shit loads of problems and each seems to out do the other. So to put it in brief, nothing original. But.. but … but … I don't want to be so unfair. It is watchable. So go for it. If you have Netflix then stream it and you can appreciate the holiness of his heavenly Kevin Spacey. ( I don think that was correct English, but who cares)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Most idiotic american invention

So I am sitting at home on a nice saturday autumn late afternoon (lets not pass judgment on my choice of activity on a saturday) and all I can hear is the annoying sound of a "Leaf Blower". For god sakes do people really need a big ass blower to move LEAVES!!!!!

Lets not forget snow blower and hair blower (err...i mean dryer)

Har har har .....