Friday, September 25, 2009

Flash of Genius or Fight Club

My landlady gave me this dvd to watch coz she had a week to return it. It was lying around on my table for one week and she asked me at the end of the week if I had watched it. I lied saying that I did coz I didn't want her to feel bad. Immediately I went to my room, popped some corn and with a chilled can of diet pepsi sat down to watch the movie.

"Flash of Genius", that's the name of the movie. Directed by Marc Abraham and based on a true story, it's a movie about a man who invented a gadget sitting in his basement and fought to earn his name as its inventor. Very inspiring story. With all the Hollywood glitz and "true story" remixing the movie was churned out very well. I apologize before hand if I sound a bit negative but I have my reasons.

One thing I was positive about was the acting talent exhibited here by Greg Kinnear who is a very impressive actor who is still waiting to earn the credit among the general audience (aka earn an Oscar). He managed to put a dimension to his role which I could personally identify with. When I say personally I mean I have faced such a personality before. A personality who believes in fighting every battle that comes along, fighting every battle as if it was the last one, fighting every battle with out caring what others are saying, what the loved ones are going through. The movie was inspiring because the battle was won with a very favorable end and they mostly are won in real life too. But my question is; is it worth the pain, the anguish that one might himself go through and put other people around him through.

The wife of the character has a line in the end that she tells her husband after he has won the "battle". "I know you, this is not the end. There will be another fight after this." I don't know what is right and wrong in this aspect. But from the perspective of the loved one, fighting with no legible cause at the end is an act of selfishness not heroism.

1 comment:

SidBB said...

Thanks for reminding me I need to add this to my Netflix queue!