Saturday, January 9, 2010

Traumatic love…unsuccessful attempt

Getting back to my pathetic attempt to writing after a long time. But it's been a pleasant surprise for me to find out that a lot of people actually read my stuff. Thank you everyone for your tolerance.


So I started watching a lot Bollywood movies that I have been missing on lately. The case in point for now is Dev.D.

From the much acclaimed director, Anurag Kashyap, comes his attempt on an interpretation to the great Saratchandra Chatterjee's master piece Devdas. A story of a misguided Man, his intense love for his woman and then the other love with a mixture of alcohol. This story has been brought onto stage and screen many times before with varied degree of success. Dev.D is a modern year 2009 version. Anurag Kashyap who has created some interesting piece of cinema with Black Friday and Paanch brings his trademark dark grimy look onto the screen.

The movie started off well and immediately peaked my expectations. I loved the portrayal of Paro by Ms. Mahie Gill who brings a nice rugged feel to the character with her Punjabi/Jatt persona. The movie seemed filthy and I like filth, cant get enough of it. But that was it. Unfortunately it went downhill from there. I would blame the story line. The direction was good but lacked the story to match it. The side story of Chandramukhi seemed too long and went on its own accord. I don't think we needed to know about her story in detail. It was an obvious point towards the infamous DPS kand but didn't contribute much to the overall movie. The intensity of Dev's love for Paro was lacking and his drug and vodka binges seemed senseless. This movie helped me to appreciate Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Devdas where SRK had flawlessly played the character. This movie was simply an unsuccessful attempt to modernize an epic story of love and its resultant trauma.

1 comment:

SidBB said...

This is unrelated, but speaking of reinterpretations, check out this brilliant script of The Big Lebowski rewritten as Shakespeare.