Friday, April 11, 2008

Junebug in April

After a hard week I decided to sit down by myself and do what i love doing the most, watch a good movie on my lappie.
Started with a movie called My Blueberry Nights. Stopped watching it after the first 10mins. Why I did that? I will leave that discussion for another time. For now i will say i was not in a mood for that kind of movie.

So started watching this movie that I had in mind for a very long time. Read about it while I was doing some research on Juno. Apparently Jason Reitman wanted to name Juno as Junebug. But the title was already taken. As always curiosity struck me. I got hold of the movie and it was lying on my notebook for a log time.
So finally that you know how I came across this movie, let me start telling you about what i think
about it.

But the best part of the movie was actress Amy Adams. I had seen her previously in 'Catch me if you can' with Leonardo de Caprio. She has done an amazing work of portraying a hyper active traditional southern girl. Her character is so cute that I couldn't help falling in love with her.

The story is very human. Every character in the movie is so real and simple. Yet they manage to have such enormous complexity that it just captivated me 100%.
Phil Morrison, the director has done an awesome work in compiling together this movie. The script is very crisp. I mean the move just showed a very ordinary story, but how the writer and the director managed to keep a hold on my attention was commendable.

This one is definitely worth ***1/2 out of ****